- He heads up the operation in northern Europe. 在北欧他领导企业的业务活动。
- He headed up the operation in Northern Europe. 在北欧他领导企业的业务活动。
- He is in charge of our hotel operation in northern Europe. 他负责我们在北欧的饭店的业务。
- She was a queen of an ancient kingdom in northern Europe. 她是北欧一个古代王国的女王。
- Tomatoes come into season much earlier in Italy than in Northern Europe. 西红柿在意大利上市比北欧早得多。
- Of or relating to painting, sculpture, or other art forms prevalent in northern Europe from the12th through the15th century. 哥特式艺术的盛行于北欧12世纪到15世纪有关绘画、雕塑和其它艺术形式的
- Surveys showed that hereditary hemochromatosis occurs all across Europe but is somewhat more common in northern Europe. 我们的调查显示,遗传性血色素沉著症的病例遍布欧洲,但在北欧比较常见。
- The earliest skiing area is Norway in Northern Europe, or Altay where China borders Russia as other data show. 最早的滑雪地域:最早的滑雪地域是北欧的挪威,另有资料显示是在中、俄交易的阿勒泰地区。
- Long ago in northern Europe, people put hollies in their homes during the dark, cold winter. The plant’s bright colors symbolized (象征) a promise (吉兆) of the sun’s return.
- Of or relating to painting,sculpture,or other art forms prevalent in northern Europe from the12th through the15th century. 哥特式艺术的盛行于北欧12世纪到15世纪有关绘画、雕塑和其它艺术形式的
- Of or relating to painting,sculpture,or other art.forms prevalent in northern Europe from the12th through the15th century. 哥特式艺术的盛行于北欧12世纪到15世纪有关绘画、雕塑和其它艺术形式的
- Where’s the baseball? It’s in the backpack. 棒球在哪?它在双肩背包里。
- In a survey by the ACRR of several dozen cities in northern Europe, only a few small cities in Austria and Holland produced less trash per person. 根据ACRR对北欧好几个城市所作的调查,只有少数奥地利和荷兰的小城平均每人制造的垃圾量有减少。
- I‘m sure it‘s in your purse, Mrs.Tobin. 我相信是在档皮包 Tobin太太。
- A beautiful country in northern Europe and part of Scandinavia ,Sweden is well-known for having one of the highest standards of living in the world. 瑞典是位于北欧斯堪的纳维亚半岛上的一个美丽的国家,作为世界上生活水平最高的国家之一而闻名。
- He earned four A's in the final examinations. 他期末考试四门功课得优。
- Centrally situated in Northern Europe, the city is built on 14 islands, where the lake Maren opens up into the Baltic Sea. 梅兰湖粼粼的波光,以橙色为主调的建筑,让斯德哥尔摩赢得“水上美人”之称,也造就了这个世界上最美丽的首都。
- The long awaited four-door Aston Martin Rapide has been spotted, completely undisguised, undergoing testing in Northern Europe. 期待已久的四门阿斯顿马丁互联网络已被发现,完全不加掩饰,接受测试的北欧。
- They were common among sod houses on the American prairie, and roofs of turf can still be found on log houses and sheds in northern Europe. 它们在美国大草原上的草皮屋很常见,而北欧的木屋与木棚上也还找得到草皮屋顶。
- Nicholas was made a saint after his death and it became common in northern Europe to hold a celebration on December 6th, the day Nicholas died. 尼克拉斯死后被奉为圣徒。尼克拉斯12月6日去世,因此在北欧常常见到在这一天召开庆祝会纪念他。